
The Almost Fit Chick

Trying to fit into a world of health and fitness and feeling happy with myself




So this has been a topic in my brain for a little while now. I don’t feel like I can be a CrossFit Coach yet because A) Money, and B) I am still a beginner myself. There is still a lot of form work in my part and I can’t kip at all. But I love the atmosphere CrossFit brings, and I love feeling like I make a difference. I also love the lifestyle it promotes.

I always thought being a coach would also keep me on track. You can’t say no to the gym if you are already there! Plus you are around people who feel the same way you do about the sport. You get to encourage them, help them reach their goals. I ask myself, how could this be bad? I am thankful to have been able to discuss such topics with a coach at the box I am at. He loves this sport and is going for his Level 3! Amazing dedication if you ask me. Most coaches start at Level 1 and stay there. I admire his dedication a lot, and he always has great pointers and ideas to help you get through your WODs. He truly goes beyond fixing form. There is also the owner who as well, dives in and educates himself beyond CrossFit. He knows mobility exercises I wouldn’t of ever thought of. They are making big differences for me, for I came in with hip tightness, squat issues and angle locking. My ankle is about 80% better, my squats are almost there and hips are always a daily work in progress.

I love that, I love that they are helping me get over issues I have carried with me for years, just in a few months. CrossFit coaching if you put yourself into it, is so much more then teaching a class. So this is where I get my idea of joining the thousands of coaches nationwide has come from. It is a place of fun, hard work, dedication, inspiration, passion and friendship. To get into money and hour details, this position is mostly a PT gig that has a average base pay. But honestly, that works perfect for me. I have desires to move forward with my photography and have a studio someday. Another job that would be a PT thing (unless that grew bigger, but for now it’s PT).
What are your thoughts about coaching and coaches? Would you take the dive and get into it? Do you think you could benefit others how it benefits you? Changes you made, that you can pass on to others? Your story?

Let me know!

Stay well!


Heavy Weight Blues

One thing I heard many times when starting CrossFit was that some days the weight just feels “Heavy”. You logically think, why would that be? Once you hit a weight amount, it should be uphill from there? Nope, there are so many factors as to why this happens. Dehydration, lack of energy, not the right nutrition to give you what you need, that burger and fries the night before. Sometimes there is no explanation. It just happens.

This morning I had one of those mornings. I went to my 8am class and we had thrusters and deadlifts as a METCON. Now I just went over thrusters with my trainer Tuesday and I was at 55lbs. This morning? 35lbs. I was not happy with the sudden issue of lifting that bar over and over at 55lbs. It was so easy Tuesday? Well my reason was a few factors. Food the night before, and dehydration. My boyfriend and I made a deal that we were to stop going out to eat for 30 days. Last night was the last one. So we splurged with burgers and fries.

It made its effect on me today. My Kettlebell was low as well this am. But the one thing I learned over the course of doing Crossfit and for myself was that I need not to punish myself if this happens. Especially when you did everything right and you just weren’t there. I used my light weight to work on form instead. I took that ketchup and turned it into salsa as they say.

It is apart of the growing process of being a fit person and working out safely. If I felt it was too much and still went with it, I then would be putting myself in a situation of injury. And that is the LAST place you want to be, especially me and my rest day issues.

So if you are reading this and feel this way as well, know that it is OK. It won’t be this way every time and take a breath and find positives in it. Know what to change, and how to grow from it. It will help you be a better athlete and better at dealing with disappointments in life. I am no way a coach or a professional, but I speak from experience. CrossFit for me has become my life’s teacher. I am learning soo much about myself, my abilities and overall coping of life’s challenges. If you haven’t done it, or fear it. I say try it once and see what you think. It never hurts to try.

Hope you are all well in your fitness journey. Thanks for checking in on mine, and have a fantastic weekend!

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